Everything you need you be a great Business Analyst

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What is a Business Analyst?

Maybe you’re interested in becoming a Business Analyst and curious what the role entails or maybe you’ve recently landed your first BA job and are struggling to tell friends and family exactly what it is you do work a living or maybe you just want to see if you disagree with me.

However you got here, I’m going to give you the quick inside scoop on what a Business Analyst actually is. This article is a great starting place to find out!

About Me

I am a Business Analyst with well over a decade of experience across multiple sectors and segments, who wants to help other Business Analysts succeed. My articles and templates provide valuable insights and practical tools to enhance your skills so you can be the best BA you can be.

man in red and blue plaid button up shirt holding white tablet computer
man in red and blue plaid button up shirt holding white tablet computer